Dear Parishioners and guests,
I thank God for this opportunity and also for your care and support towards the progress of our community.
I would like to give some words of encouragement to you all; The readings of 2 Sunday of Lent Year B of the liturgical calendar places before us this critical issue for our consideration:
Eucharistic altar
1. Test
2. Obedience
3. Love
4. Reward
TEST: God tested Abraham by asking to offer Isaac his only son. How do you respond when God test and demand something from you?
OBEDIENCE: Obedience is a virtue that is obviously overlooked in our world today. We replace obedience with disrespect and pride it with right. Many people have given it there own interpretation. What is God telling me about Obedience?
LOVE: Love also means many things to many people. What can be compared to the Love Abraham has for God that He gave up Isaac his only son? Love is a manifestation of sacrifice. And there is a reward for it.
REWARD: God rewarded Abraham exceedingly, made him the father of many nations. For Jesus, God raised his Name above all other names. No sacrifice goes unrewarded.
Therefore, when you are tested, Obey. When you Obey Love, when Love, you will be rewarded exceedingly. May God bless you as you place your hope in Him.

St. Francis of Assisi's family. Lord Teach Me to serve !

When the going gets tough, the tough goes to church !!!



His Lordship

Most Rev Mark Maigida Nzukwein

Bishop of Wukari Diocese

Rev Fr. Prof. Anthony I. Bature


Mr Stephen Igwe

Acting Catechist